Monday, March 14, 2011

Body aches, sneezes, and coughs OH MY!

Well Jack and I are both sick. Jacob was getting sick late last week but was better by Sunday. But it's fair to assume that we were infected by Jacob. We haven't really gone anywhere and Jack's tutors have been healthy recently so we're blaming Jacob :)
Yesterday was definitely the worst day so far. I woke up this morning and felt better and Jack looked significantly better as well. As the day has worn on I'm feel really achy and icky again. The boys are taking a super long nap right now so hopefully that means Jack's little body is working on kickin' this bug!
I knew going into today that laying around feeling sick just wasn't going to be an option. So instead of slowing down to let the sickness take hold I've been busy, busy, busy all day. Inevitably this evening I'm sure I will crash- but hopefully not until after I get to the grocery store! This mother's cupboards are incredibly bare!
So during nap today I decided to try to 'free hand' a little wallet. It turned out pretty well! The stitching is a little wonky in places but you can only see it on the inside so who cares! I definitely need to find a better way of sewing on zippers though, this was the first zipper I've ever "installed" so it was a learning experience. I'm pretty excited though! I found this fabric at the fabric store a few weeks ago and just had to have it. I bought it without having any idea what I'd use it for but this turned out to be a pretty good use (I still have ton left for another project eventually).
I'm getting really excited about all this sewing stuff. I'm starting to get pretty good at it! Jacob and I were talking the other day about what I'm going to do when both boys go to school. I really doubt I'm going to be able to just sit around at home all day. Maybe I'll become a seamstress?? It's a completely practical job that I could probably find work wherever we end up... Hmm... I guess time will tell! For now I'm trying to find some classes somewhere on the island so I can actually learn techniques and tips. I'm just not one of those people who can learn from youTube videos.
Anyways, as you can tell by the rambling my brain is a bit mushy today. So I'm just going to finish with a couple pics of the new wallet!!
if I had to pick a style of fabric to represent me, this would be it. I don't know what you would classify this type of design as but I LOVE IT!
you can see my crooked stitching on the one side, definitely because it was a complete PAIN to sew the zipper in the way I did, the other side is straight :) But it's got a big pocket on the one side and card holders on the other. 


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