Thursday, March 24, 2011

Moving on

I am a bit of a pack-rat. I like to keep things. Arguably too many things.
We have piles and piles of 'junk' in our garage that still needs to be sorted/trashed/donated. It's overwhelming and that is exactly why nothing has been done with them.
But we're trying to cut down on stuff in our house. Try to live with less. Especially the things that we don't need anymore.
So yesterday I decided to put our super expensive, wonderful, deluxe jogging stroller on Craig's List. We purchased it after we moved here in 2009. It was probably the most expensive thing we've ever bought other than our car and one of our t.v.s. Yes, it was that expensive. It took a lot of convincing to get Jacob to go along with it but I successfully made my case and we were the proud new owners of a BOB duallie stroller.
We used it a lot at first. The boys loved it because it was super comfy. The seats lay down, it has shock absorbers, a pivoting front wheel... It is quite a stroller. Part of my argument for purchasing it was that the weight limit is so high, the boys could ride in it forever! Well, it's true the weight limit allows that but the boys no longer enjoy being cooped up in anything. They are independent little men and want to walk everywhere. So we just don't use it anymore. Ever. It's actually been a couple months since I pulled it out of the garage and even then it was quite a battle to get them in it.
So we're getting rid of it. I have a lady coming in a couple hours to look and several people waiting anxiously to get a chance at it if she doesn't take it. I'm happy that it's going to be so easy to get rid of it and that we're going to get at least a portion of the enormous amount of money we paid for it. But I'm still really, really, really sad.
You see, this is kind of an end of an era for me. We will no longer own a stroller. The boys are too old now. They're certainly not babies anymore... Zoe isn't coming... And quite frankly it's not looking very likely we will ever have another baby. It breaks my heart.
Life is moving. It never stops. I'm not sure I'm ready for this. Why do kids have to grow up so fast?

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