Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I did it!

I put my big girl panties on and fired Jack's tutor and the company providing services :) 

I must admit, I chickened out somewhat and did it by email, Jacob says I'm crazy and that I should have at least called her. But I truly think this is best. I'm pretty pissed right now and I don't deal well with confrontation so it was best for me to calmly and cooly put together an email rather than try to have a discussion about it. And it's over. There was no coming back from this anyway so I don't see a problem in what I did... Even if it is just because I'm chicken!

So I've been bothering Jack's case manager through the insurance company like crazy. Thankfully she's a wonderful woman and extremely helpful. She said that we're not the only family who has had this issue with this company and also with other companies that have been on board for a long time. You would think that people would realize the importance of stability for these kids. But they just don't. I must say I feel a little better knowing that I'm not the only one, I guess it gives me some validation. So if we can't get into the company we want, with our old tutor, she suggested we try out one of the new companies the insurance company just started accepting. We have 4 choices. Being that they're new each of them should have a pretty good selection of tutors and offer more stability. So that's plan b!

I contacted the new company where our old tutor is now. They have her assigned to another case already but she hasn't started so they're going to see if maybe they can switch some schedules. It would be SO wonderful to get her back!!! So we should know early next week (hopefully) what the game plan is. 

So we're on our own for probably a couple weeks. But for the first time I'm not really scared by that. When we transferred from Early Intervention to DOE services I was terrified at the thought of not having any tutors for a couple weeks. But I think I've matured a bit since then, and I'm significantly more confident in my ability to handle things. I CAN do this!! 

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