Monday, April 4, 2011

A Project in Photos

The Toy Closet:

Honestly, this is embarrassing. The photo doesn't really do it justice, under those boxes lies a minefield of toys. Liam has been begging me to 'help him' clean the closet out... Only because he could no longer access his toys. There have been plenty of times I've spent hours diligently cleaning and organizing this closet only for it to be destroyed again in a week- TOPS! So this time we went at it with a different attack... Get rid of as much stuff as possible! After all they don't play with half this junk anyway!

So this is where we're at now:

These kids basically have a library in their closet. One full shelf and two half full shelves of just books! Here's hoping they continue to love books as much as their mom and dad!

It's really sad to me quite frankly. Much of this is educational toys that we had for Jack's home therapy programs. But what I failed to see as I spent 100s of dollars was that he would very quickly out skill and out grow these things. I'm hoping to re-coup some of my losses here... But I know it will be a mere fraction of the money I spent. Anything we don't actually sell I plan on donating to the organization that Jack started his tutoring with! 

And now the kids can't possibly make as big of mess as they did before because they only have 1/5 of the toys to do it with! Happy kids and happy mommy = a successful morning! 

Now onto the other closets...

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