Thursday, March 10, 2011

Here we go again...

When we got home from church this evening I hopped online only to see that Japan had a massive earthquake. GREAT.

We had a tsunami warning last year and it was just awful. We had to evacuate for hours, Jacob had to go to work because his shop runs the base news channel, and absolutely NOTHING happened. It was probably the most anti-climactic event I've ever lived through.

Well we're in a tsunami warning right now. The first wave is expected to hit just before 3 a.m. The sirens already went off once. And of course, just like last time, the phones are basically down. You can't really send texts or make phone calls- I assume this happens because so many people are trying at the same time. It's incredibly scary though. There is absolutely no way to get ahold of anyone. I woke Jacob up (because he was of course already sound asleep as this is all happening) and he tried calling our neighbor who works for the military police and his chain of command, but no luck, no phone service. So hopefully nothing crazy happens. And hopefully we don't get evacuated at like midnight. Last time it was like a scene from an apocalypse movie, tanks with Marines in full gear rolling through the streets with loud speakers, banging on doors, telling everyone to get the hell out. Definitely not what I want to be doing in the middle of the night. And of course we live in the tidal zone! I can actually see the ocean from my driveway, it's about a block, maybe a block and a half from our house.

Ugh. It's going to be a long night...

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