Friday, December 24, 2010

1000s of Miles...

This will be my fourth year celebrating Christmas without my family. And that sucks. It's actually been so long now that I really don't remember what it was like to be with my brothers and parents. It's weird how we've all grown up... My parents are spending Christmas Eve down in St. James with my Grandparents, Aaron is (I believe) spending it with his wonderful girlfriend Abbie's family, and my baby brother Matty is hunkered down somewhere in Afghanistan. Matty definitely has the worst deal of all. And I feel bad. I miss him so much. But thankfully he will be home *hopefully* early February and then come August, he'll be getting stationed at the Army base across the island from us- how lucky are we??

This is the first year we're going to be spending Christmas just the four of us. Jack's first Christmas Jacob's brother Jared was living with us, and last year and the year before Jacob's mom was living with us. Don't get me wrong, I love my in-laws dearly, but it's just not the same as having MY family here. 

I have to admit, it's probably better this way. Jack's pretty edgy these days. He's been out of school for exactly a week today, and it's starting to show. I hate how changes in his schedule really mess everything up. And there's nothing we can do about it. Such is life. Tonight I'm going to sit down and make up a picture schedule for tomorrow morning to try to help Jack through the chaos. It'll be interesting to see how he handles it all. We're just crossing our fingers for no major melt-downs... I'm sure there will be some crying and screaming but if we don't have any HUGE tantrums, it will be a success. We're going to cross our fingers and hope between the picture schedule, lots of sensory, and lots of deep breaths (on my part of course!) we'll all survive :) 

Merry Christmas!!

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