Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Proof of Insomnia & Dr. Appointment Results

So I figured I'd post a couple pics of the robot stuff I made last night while I didn't sleep. The boys both enjoyed it very much this morning, coughs and sneezes included.
my camera phone kinda sucks. but you get the gist! 
this was the best face I could get from 'the sick one'
and this photo made my day. HAHA Liam the model :) Notice how he set Roarbert up on a pillow too? He had Ribbert on the other little pillow next to Roarbert but Jack stole him! 

Well Jack and I both went to the doctor this morning. Jack just has a cold. They gave me "permission" and the dosage to give him some over the counter children's cough meds and said I should definitely consider giving them to him at night, sleep is going to be the most effective medicine in this battle. Thankfully no ear infection!! I was worried because he kept telling me that they hurt but they're looking ok. 
And I too just have a cold. The doctor I saw (because the stupid appointment line people wouldn't just book us together- which of course the clinic told me that was what I should have done!) gave me some cough meds with codeine!! Hooray! I am very much looking forward to taking some tonight and getting some sleep after only getting about 3 hours last night. However, my ears were plugged because they were super waxy. Ever had your ears irrigated? Absolutely disgusting! I'm not going to go into detail about it because quite frankly I'm trying to block it out of my brain :) But now I have a wicked headache and I'm praying this nurse didn't mess up my ears, I'm in way more pain but I can hear now... you win some you lose some I guess...
Munchkins are sleeping so this mama is going to try to rest. We're skipping church this evening because I just don't feel up to it. Praying for a less sick tomorrow... I'm so over this! 

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