Friday, March 11, 2011

Less than 3 hours and counting...

Well if you missed my first post, we're in a tsunami warning. The first wave is expected to hit around 3:07 a.m.

So you might wonder what I'm doing? Right now I'm just waiting. We're in the evacuation zone. It's actually eerily quiet here. But we're waiting for about another hour. Jack is of course getting sick and the boys went to sleep really late tonight so we want them to get as much sleep as possible before we wake them up. I'm actually kind of anticipating they'll wake up sooner than later, the sirens are all going off and the military police are canvasing the area telling everyone to leave. But I want to assure everyone that I'm not crazy, we have 3 hours before it gets here and we only have a few blocks to go.

So I've done some laundry, packed our bags, cleaned the kitchen and the living room :) At least if my house is going to flood I'm not going to have garbage and toys everywhere!

Prayers going out to the people in Japan, what a horrible, horrible event. It sounds like it's just complete devastation over there. I was really not concerned about this tsunami warning after last years anticlimactic warning but after hearing that this was the worst earthquake to hit in 140 years I'm definitely more concerned...

Times like this I'm thankful that we're in the military. Sounds like things out in town are just nuts. Gas stations are out of gas, traffic is backed up everywhere, just complete chaos. Thankfully we only have to go just across base!

I'll update whenever anything changes...


  1. Oh, Steph! I hadn't even heard about the earthquake until I read this! Please know that you and your family are in our prayers!

    P.S. I would have cleaned my living room, too.

  2. Hey there, Steph. Thanks for the comment you left on my blog (that you found through No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane.) Yes, having an autistic child is hard...but so rewarding when they progress. I'll pop in from time to time to see how Jack is doing. In the meantime, I'll keep your family in my prayers as you face the tsunami threat. Yikes!


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